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Newsletter: Friday Notes

A few years ago I had a newsletter I called Tequila Friday, which was me, rambling as if I was three margaritas in, sharing links to interesting things on the internet. My tequila obsession has since calmed down, but I still consume things on and off the internet, and I miss having a format to share them in. So, I decided to pick it back up!

Friday Notes is the work-in-progress name, maybe I'll figure out something more fun in the future. For now, this is basically my consumption diary, coming to your inbox on Fridays. I'll keep it casual, probably a bit rambly but fairly short, and hopefully that makes it possible for me to actually stay consistent here.

Let's go!


On ethical AI, feeling God, and motherhood
Hi friends! In January this year I was weary. No, ‘weary’ is an understatement. I was done. Last year was one long drain on my nervous system for many reasons, one of them being too many trips, in too little time. By the end of it, all I wanted was
On Baby Raindeer, writing and please stop recommending Wordpress
Rebooted newsletter: Friday Notes! Basically my consumption diary, coming to your inbox on Fridays. I’ll keep it casual, probably a bit rambly but fairly short.