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On ethical AI, feeling God, and motherhood

Hi friends! In January this year I was weary. No, 'weary' is an understatement. I was done. Last year was one long drain on my nervous system for many reasons, one of them being too many trips, in too little time. By the end of it, all I

On ethical AI, feeling God, and motherhood
Members Public

On Baby Raindeer, writing and please stop recommending Wordpress

Rebooted newsletter: Friday Notes! Basically my consumption diary, coming to your inbox on Fridays. I'll keep it casual, probably a bit rambly but fairly short.

On Baby Raindeer, writing and please stop recommending Wordpress
Members Public

Frankenstein's boobs

I had breast surgery and now I want to talk about it. * * * It's 7.30 in the morning and I'm on my way to the hospital where a surgeon is going to slice my breasts open, cut out tissue and fat, and stitch them back together.

Members Public

2023 in podcasts

My podcast app showed me how much I've spent listening to podcasts this year ... it's a lot guys. Almost 17 days. Yelp. As a Professional Recommender (it should be a job title, truly), here is the truffle mayo to my fries, complete with a few recommended

2023 in podcasts
Members Public

I won't do another Vipassana (but maybe you should)

Picture this: The Spanish Mountains. A tranquil valley, green hills in all directions, and snow-covered mountaintops looming in the background. Like at the start of a story in which the main character is blissfully unaware of the misery they are about to endure. One of these hills lies a Vipassana

I won't do another Vipassana (but maybe you should)
Members Public

Week 4: Plant based office

It's a new year! I know, 22 days late to the party, but 2023 was a lot to process, so here we are. For the past six weeks, I've been grinding my teeth trying to get an essay together about my latest (and last) Vipassana experience.

Week 4: Plant based office
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Thoughts from eleven days without a phone

1. Thank you past self for pouring a glass of orange juice all over the keyboard of your brand new Macbook Pro in the summer of 2011. It taught me two things: I need a safety distance of one meter between my laptop and any beverages and back ups should

Thoughts from eleven days without a phone
Members Public

Fall in Berlin

I bought a new coat. It has a strange shape to it, much like a cape, oversized and black. Add hat and cigar and I will look like I spend every night at the neighborhood bar, sustaining myself on nothing but absinth and red wine, writing poetry that gives readers

Fall in Berlin
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When a picky eater goes to a two-Michelin-starred restaurant

Let me start by providing some context. Tom, my partner, is a foodie who will eat anything. I mean that in the most literal sense; he could win any Fear Factor eating challenge as long as it doesn't include anything with banana flavor (I know, don't

When a picky eater goes to a two-Michelin-starred restaurant
Members Public

📚 What I read in February-March

Time for another reading report! As you might have figured from my last post, February and March were travel hectic, but I still managed to finish five books. Yey me! In no particular order, here they are. All The Lovers In The Night, Mieko Kawakami Two months later and I

📚 What I read in February-March